For about a month everything went well. I lost a dread here and there, but they were easy enough to install again. The dreading was coming undone, but most of them were fine. There were a few modifications, like the thinning out of the bangs and the splitting of a few dreads, but for the most part, that was it. It was a month where I didn't need to spend more than a few minutes on my hair each day. It saved me so much time and energy!
My conclusion was to take all of the dreads out and just start over. I would dread the hair, wait for it to mature, then felt the wool dreads back in. The system wouldn't have been too bad. It actually sounded pretty easy! I went to work dreading, only to find that the sectioning was so incredibly crazy in some areas that it just wasn't going to work. With the help of a friend, it was all torn out, dreading, woolies, and all. It was a truly sad day. I feel like I lost a piece of myself.
Bleaching my hair was interesting, as always. We decided to bleach my boyfriend's hair as well so he can dye it a bright copper red. Between the two of us, it was a day of lots of bleach and lots of dye! I didn't realize quite how much hair I actually had until we were putting the bleach in. It actually took more than one bleach kit to cover all the hair I needed to! It's a good thing we decided to do my boyfriend's hair too! I never expected short hair would take so incredibly much! It seemed to take forever to bleach too. I was terrified that my hair would be so dry and damaged that I wouldn't dare dread it. Thankfully, everything seemed to turn out alright. My hair wasn't completely fried as I feared it might be.
After that I showered and I set to dying again. Normal people actually section the hair they want for each color, are careful not to mix dyes, and all of that. That's not what I did! I grabbed a section of my forelock and slapped in some blue. Then I smeared some pink down the hair at the sides of my face. These would be my bangs, or fringe, depending on where you live. Then I went through the rest of it with purple. I went back to get any little missed spots. The dyes mixed a bit. Nothing was exactly as it should have been. I wasn't even sure it was even! I didn't care! I just knew how it needed to be, and that was how it would be. I really felt like an artist in that moment. It was an incredibly freeing moment of self-expression, of creativity. I didn't hold myself back with expectations of perfection or anything of the like. I didn't care if dyes mixed. I was using my hair as a canvas, and no matter how it turned out, it would be beautiful! You can actually see my carelessness in the photo to the left. I got it all over my face in the process. That's what you get when you just smear dye!
When I saw my hair, I was totally thrilled. I felt more myself than I had in years. No matter what color hair I've had, it's never felt quite as right as this slap-dash job of throwing dye in my hair in a crazy and chaotic manner. It was beautiful. Even leaving it to dry in whatever way it naturally fell (as you can see to the right), it just did it's own thing. I have to admit, it kind of left me with a butch feeling, my short hair flying around in a boyish chaos. It wasn't really what I wanted. I had to keep reminding myself that my hair is still short. It will still grow. I had to remind myself that even the most feminine of women have their moments lacking femininity. Short hair can be whatever you want it to be, all depending on what you do with it. If I gave it the right style, I could have been happy with that hair style even without dreads! Still, I had an idea I was going for and I couldn't wait to see it in practice. I wanted my dreads back!
My friend came over not long after the dye job was done. We attacked my hair with a blow dryer (well, I did while she watched...drying short hair is really a one person job...) and then we got ready to section. As we'd learned before, working on dreads while children are present gets challenging, especially when our two families combine. We knew we were in for it, which is why we decided not to get too ambitious. We were just sectioning. As she sectioned, I started dreading as much as I could without getting in the way. I was rather surprised at the kind of progress we made, but we didn't get finished. There just wasn't enough time. I had to run off to dance class! We did the best we could to get all the sections kept neatly where I wouldn't lose any of our hard work. I must have looked pretty wild running around with lots of little clumps of hair, a few dreads, and some wild pigtails. I actually think the look is kind of cute! Were it more maintainable, I might have thought to keep it that way!
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