Monday, March 14, 2011

Dreadies, Month Two!

So, we've made it two months now.  This is the longest I've kept any of these hair styles lately.  My braids lasted maybe three weeks.  My woolies lasted a month.  Now, just in time for month two, I've put the woolies back in.  I can't promise how long they'll stay.  I can only hope that they help encourage the dreading process, bu there's no way to be sure.  At the very least, my hair should dread better because I'm not messing with it all the time.

I have to admit, I faced some challenges.  I almost took the dreadies out all together.  The balance of what I washed them with was making them want to come loose.  I couldn't get the balance right.  My hair was over-conditioned, which was completely going against the goal of it all.  Now I'm starting to get the results I want, but it's going to be a while yet.  I don't know whether the wool will help it out or hold it back, but I do know it's keeping my hair bound up so I can't mess with the process.  It's also massively extending the length of my hair, so I'm getting a chance to have actual length again!  I can actually wear my hair up now!

The wool won't stay in long, this much I know.  It will be too hot before long and I'll have to take them out.  Summer doesn't seem like a great time to wear wool on my head.  Texas summers are hot enough without help!  I can't imagine having wool to top it off!  Still, it will give me another month or two without messing with my hair too much, and hopefully that month or two will be enough for my hair to really start to lock up.

It's not going to be long before I'm debuting the summer season with some solidly started dreadlocks.  Short dreads are supposedly so much faster to stop shrinking and start growing.  They set up faster so you can move on to normal dread life.  We'll see how true that is.

My hair is really starting to get long too.  You can see it in my bangs.  They weren't near that long when I started all of this.  They might not have grown at some insane rate, but it's nice to see my hair is actually making progress from where it was.  Almost one year ago I shaved my head, and in that year, so much has changed.  It's nice to know that my hair has done nothing but change colors and grow!

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