Friday, May 27, 2011

Dreads, Month Four

Well, I'd meant to post pictures of my dreads when they officially turned four months, but I never got to it.  It may be half a month later, but it's made all the world of difference.  I've colored my dreads, which I expected was going to help them wash out.  That was a journey in itself, but I'm thrilled with the result.

I have to be honest, the bleaching and dying process did make it a bit hit or miss on the dreads there for a bit.  It was nice to have someone go in and separate the dreads that were trying to attach to each other.  Unfortunately, the process also knocked them all quite loose and I actually lost a couple, having to redread them.  It wasn't what I was hoping for, but it may be a while before I can dye them again.  It was totally worth the risk.

In the long run the dreads turned out beautifully!  Most of them are starting to dread up even better than they were before.  My guess is the dryness of my hair and having been stripped of any remaining oils by the bleach managed to help the process along.

While I had a few doubts a little less than a month ago, I think I'm really starting to come into acceptance of my dreads being what they're going to be.  They didn't turn out quite the way I expected them, but I love the way they're developing.  They've got this crazy personality, which I totally adore!  I can't wait to see what they're going to look like in a few month's time!

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