Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Little Bit of Vanity is Good for the Soul

I've been noticing this whole thing with dreads has brought out a new side of me.  I'm not just trying to document the process of the dreads, I've got to admit, I'm a little bit vain.  I've started to realize that my previous amusement of taking my own portrait has taken a totally different turn.

Well, I should be honest here, part of this increase in vanity is because of my new phone.  I've got a smart phone and it's got a pretty good camera.  I can load those photos directly to photobucket or Facebook.  This, of course, makes it so much more enthralling to be vain.  I even have a whole album on Facebook dedicated to my dreads.  It's made the whole thing a lot more fun.

This whole vanity thing has actually done something good for me.  I'm a lot happier about my life right now.  I'm starting to notice that I'm a lot happier with the way I look.  When you look good, you feel good, and I'm starting to notice the balance there.  Yes, I look a lot more adult than I want to.  I hate to say it, but the past couple of years have really aged me.  I can no longer pull off being a teenager.  I definitely look like a grown up.  Maybe it's time I start embracing that.

Photographs are also documenting the evolution of me.  I'm noticing small changes in myself.  The youthful innocence I used to display in pictures was replaced with something a little sultry.  In turn I outgrew that and started to notice I just looked adult.  Now I'm noticing that I'm looking more and more my age, especially when I actually wear my glasses.  I have to say, I actually like the look of wearing my glasses.  I may just have to do it more often.  It's probably better for my eyes anyway.

Something productive does come out of vanity.  Yes, I've grown up a lot, but I'm actually kind of happy that I'm starting to look a bit more grown up too.  Maybe I still don't look as old as I feel, but at the very least I'm starting to feel a lot less like a kid.  I wonder if that's why so many people are overlooking me these days.  Maybe that's a good thing too!

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