Friday, July 22, 2011

To My Reader!

I ran into one of my readers today at the gas station!  That was awesome!  I'm so happy to know that I'm actually connecting with people, people I may not even personally know, people that may not be a part of my daily life.  I think that's fantastic!  That completely made my day.

It was also made aware that you needed to be a registered user to post comments on my blog, so she was unable to leave a comment.  Well, I changed that, so everyone can now make comments, and please do!  I love hearing back from my readers!  I love hearing what all of you have to say about what I'm doing, the experiences I'm having, and everything else!  Definitely feel free to share opinions, ideas, feedback, and whatever else crosses your mind!

I have to thank that reader I met at the gas station today.  Not only did that make my day, but it makes me smile to know how many lives I'm touching.  It makes me feel like I'm really doing something with my life.  Now if only I'd thought to take a picture with you today to post on the blog too!  Wouldn't that be something?

Thanks so much to everyone for reading.  Usually I don't blog on Fridays, but I felt it was a special occasion and I really needed to share!  Thanks so much for making this possible!

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