Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Letting Go of Even More

Anyone who reads regularly already knows that I'm letting go of a few friends in my life.  I've decided it's more than just friends I need to let go of.  My life is really cluttered up and that's bringing me a lot of negativity.  It's time to do something about that.  I really need to get my life back on track.

For those of you who know me well, you know we've recently had a couple car situations come up.  We got our Mazda, but she's having issues.  We also got a minivan, but that's having it's own issues as well.  Since money is short, it's going to be a juggling game to manage our bills and fix everything that needs to be fixed.  Having to rely on friends for rides isn't helping the situation.  While the help is appreciated, it's really an inconvenience on everyone and makes scheduling even more difficult.

In order to get this situation handled, Chesh and I have been thinking of selling off some of our stuff to cover the expenses.  We'd talked about everything as minor as selling a few books to as major as selling off furniture, which is a little extreme and kind of ridiculous if you knew how little furniture we've got.  Whether we're talking in the realm of the extreme, the truth is we could really make this work for us.  There's no reason we can't use this need to our advantage.  Why can't we sell off the stuff we don't use or need anymore that's just cluttering up our house?  This will help us out with getting our feet back on the ground, get our vehicles up and running, and do something we've been meaning to do for quite some time!  We'll finally be downsizing our stuff!

Right now I'm kind of in an "everything must go" phase.  It's not that I want to get rid of everything we own, but we could certainly stand to downsize a lot.  I'm getting rid of a bunch of dance stuff.  Let's be honest, if I don't wear it and I'm not really dancing, why keep it?  I'll keep my favorite pieces, of course, but I think I may just get rid of the ones that just don't get the use and stage time they deserve, especially if I'm not going to be dancing as often as I used to.  I'll be going through the old clothes to see if anything's in good enough condition to be sold instead of given to Goodwill or friends.  I'm picky about the things I consider "good enough to sell".  We're also going to go through other things we have to get rid of as much as possible.  We've got more stuff than we could possibly have any need to keep.  It's going to be so much better for us to let some of it go.

So in the end this works on several plains.  We'll have the good feeling of a less cluttered home.  We'll have a little extra spending money to get our cars back up and running.  Most importantly, we'll feel the spiritual release of getting rid of things we no longer need to be attached to.  What could be better for mind, body, and soul than a little spring cleaning?

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