Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Playing with the Kids!

Anyone who knows me can tell you how much I love my kids.  They're the highlight of my life.  As much as some days I say life would be easier without them, I wouldn't give them up for everything.  No matter how true that statement is, because life really is easier without kids, I couldn't imagine life without them!

Playing with your kids is a natural way to relieve stress and (in many cases) stay in shape.  It's so relaxing to chase them around.  Arts and crafts time is a wonderful way to kick back and do something fun.  Then there's all the laughs that kids provide. 

For many parents, kids are the reason they get up in the morning.  It's the reason they struggle through the most trying situations.  I know at least a few occasions where parents have avoiding doing something that could be risky because it wasn't worth it.  Their kids were worth far more than that.  It's amazing how much of an impact something as simple as family can make in a person's life.

Today I spent some time laughing with my kids.  They gave me tons of reasons to laugh today.  They said funny things.  They acted goofy.  I had a million reasons to smile.  I took some time to chase them around.  It was wonderful.  The whole world seems so much better now.  I think that's part of what keeps me going.

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