Friday, April 1, 2011

My Wild Side

I've found my wild side again! It's whay gets me dancing with my kids until I'm too tired to go on. It's had me singing along to music I haven't heard since high school. Now I've got my feet up on the back of the chair while I use the arm as a head rest, something else I haven't done since high school. Can you see the trend forming?

I swear, this isn't a bad thing. I'm not trying to reclaim my youth. I'm starting to feel more like myself. I've always been a casual unconventional kind of girl. I'm starting to reclaim that. I'm starying to embrace that wild side that just wants to be chaotic, un predictablr, and full of fun.

Yeah, spring is here and my whole person is embracing it. It's wonderful! I've missed this side of me!

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