I've been feeling under the weather today. I'm not sure if it's stress or something I ate, but my stomach hasn't been too happy with me. I'm almost willing to bet stress is a large part of it. I'm trying to accept that this is all just trying to teach me a lesson. I have something to learn in all of this. Maybe this is trying to tell me to stop trying so hard, kick back, and relax!
So, I'm pulling cards again in hopes of staying positive. Today's Wisdom Card
That has so much meaning for my day today. I've been feeling ill, frustrated, and in general just wanted to give up on everything I've been trying so hard for. I need to start looking at myself for what I am and what I'm capable of. More importantly, I need to recognize that not all of these troubles are my fault. In some cases, like my partner's ability to hold a job, it's got nothing to do with me. Maybe I need to pick up and take control of my life. It could just mean I need to be more supportive of the people who effect my life so we can be at more of a balance.
Today's I Can Do It Card
You know, as much as I'm skeptical about cards like these, I have to say, they're proving just how well on target they are. It's possible this is all chance, but I'm not inclined to believe it is. There's just something about how fitting it really is...
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