In truth, when there's snow, I kind of feel happy. There's something beautiful about watching the little white puffs fall from the sky. Back home it was usually big wet puffs, not little flakes like everyone imagines. Snow made me tired, but it always made me smile. If we had snow, I would probably be much happier, but instead we just have this gray waste.
I've been toying with the idea of giving myself positive affirmations to work with. My friend at Otherwise Quite Good gave me some Wisdom Cards
Today's card reads, "Each person is part of the harmonious whole." The back reads, "I choose to believe that 'everyone is always helpful.' Therefore, wherever I go in life, people are there to help me." I really do feel like this is a good meditation point for me. All too often I find myself focusing on having to do it all myself. I need to learn when delegation is appropriate, and I need to learn when to ask for help. If I ask for help, I likely won't be disappointed! Sometimes asking for help is all it really takes! I know my friends are good, helpful, mostly positive people. They've done so much for me in the past. In truth, if I need help and support, I'm sure I can count on them! It's easier to take on the challenges in my life knowing that my friends aren't going to let me fall.
I've also started toying with another set of her cards. The name sounds kind of cheesy. They're called I Can Do It Cards
Today's card reads "When I wake up in the morning, I plan for a good day. My anticipation attracts good experiences to me." The reverse states, "Everyone I encounter at work today has my best interests at heart." I have to say, a part of me wants to rebel against that second statement. I know there are a lot of people in the world that don't have my best interest at heart, but if I approach the world with that in mind, I'll be constantly looking for people to hurt me, which means my perception would show that even accidental situations were deliberate. I would be guarded and might miss out on some wonderful opportunities.
That isn't to say that intuition or knowledge should be ignored. Chances are if that woman who always tries to make your life miserable starts causing conflict for you, she's not doing it with your best interest at heart. However, know that most other people in the world are good, positive people. By greeting them with the openness of someone who believes they truly have your best interests at heart, you'll be more likely to listen to what they have to share and learn from their experiences. Perhaps opportunities will be presented that weren't otherwise going to be available. The world becomes a very different place.
The world is dark enough. We don't need more negativity to muck it up even more. Instead we need to change the face of the world around us with love, a positive outlook, and doing things to better the world around us.
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