I have to admit, a part of me wants to get this first year over with. I want my dreads to be mature, to do what they're going to do. I don't want to have that awkward "grow out hair" phase. It's just like short hair transitioning to long. There's this awkward grow out period where no matter what you do, it doesn't look right. The same thing seems to happen with dreads, only they do all kinds of funky things, like shrink, twist, get little loops and all kinds of craziness. It's an interesting journey.
I've come to learn that dreads have their own personalities. Each one develops it's own sense of style. Some of mine are crazy twisty, almost seeming more braided than dreading. Some of them are really super solid already. Some of them are soft and squishy, which probably means they'll have a lot of tightening up to do. They all want to flip around their own ways and lay the way they want to. It's like my hair, now that it's sectioned and started, knows exactly what it wants to do!
Today's Wisdom Card
Today's I Can Do It Card
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