Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tired, Cold, and Feeling Down

Yeah, it's one of those days again.  I'm feeling kind of exhausted.  Financial situation is starting to wear me down.  In general, I'm feeling like the struggle is finally wearing me down.  I've always been a fighter, but now I wonder if I should just give up and give in, follow the flow of my life and just stop trying.

I decided to take a break from anything requiring too much brain today.  I was watching Gothic Bellydance Revelations.  I have to say, some of it was Gothic bellydance, but a lot of it was just bellydance in appropriate colors, or very thematic, theatrical dance that was neither Goth nor bellydance.  It was still good, but I found myself to be, well, more than a little disappointed by the whole thing.  I had really hoped I would see more actual Gothic bellydance.  I guess I found myself letting that set the tone for the day a bit too.

Honestly, I'm just getting exhausted and run down.  I think I may just need to take a few days to do nothing but relax, though I know that's not going to happen.  Maybe I can just get to bed early tonight and that will help.  Anything is worth a try.

Today's Wisdom Card: "I forgive myself for any wrongdoing."  "Guilt never makes anyone feel better, nor does it change a situation.  I now stop feeling guilty.  I let myself out of that prison."  Somehow I don't see how that applies right now as I don't feel guilty about anything, but it's always a good life lesson.  It's a good reminder for a time when I may burden myself with guilt!  Right now all I'm burdening myself with is exhaustion!  I don't even feel guilty about that!  It would take too much energy!

Today's I Can Do It Card: "Money is a state of mind that supports me.  I allow prosperity to enter my life on a higher level than before."  "The Law of Attraction brings only good into my life."  This, however, does sound like a message I really need in my life right.  Money has been too much of a stress.  Instead, I need to change my perspective to bring only the best things into my life!

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