Sunday, February 6, 2011

Working my Way towards Health

I'm starting a new daily practice.  I'm going to take some time each day to meditate on my chakras.  I need to restore the energy flow in my body, and get back to what I consider normal, preferably better than normal.  I need to find some sense of balance in my life again.  My chakra points have shown themselves to be in all sorts of disarray, which could totally explain why I feel so out of whack.

My life really needs a better sense of direction, and a better sense of peace.  I can only hope that by taking on regular routines, like meditation, it will help me find better balance with myself.  I can start to feel more comfortable in my own body again.

Today's Wisdom Card tells me, "This year I do the mental work for positive change."  The other side it reads, "My motto this year is: 'I go for the joy!'  Life is here for me to enjoy today."  Yes, again, that sounds like my message for the year!  I'd already made my decision to do the mental work for positive change.  It's that positive decision for change that allows me to truly live, and it's going to be a more enjoyable life if I try and work towards the positive.

For today my I Can Do It Card says, "I am in the process of making positive changes in all areas of my life."  The reverse states, "I have the strength to stay calm in the face of change."  This connects so well with things that I've been thinking in my life.  I've been facing a lot of changes, and it's been bringing me a lot of anxiety.  I need to remember that these changes are good and embrace them!

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