Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I Think I'm Allergic to Texas

I don't know what it is, but the weather changes in Texas seem to be getting the better of me.  I just can't shake the way Texas makes me feel.  It's not just a winter thing either.  A part of me wishes I could escape it, but I think I really need to figure out what's at the root of it all first.

Texas summers are uncomfortable for many.  I find them almost unbearable.  I hate the heat and humidity.  It's just not my thing.  I spend my whole day wondering how long I can hide inside and shielding my eyes from the migraine producing sun.  It's horrible and I wish I could escape it.

The fall and spring aren't nearly so bad.  I actually really like Texas springs and falls.  They're warm and beautiful.  The temperature is quite tolerable.  I love the wind that blows through.  It's peaceful!

Then comes the winter.  This winter has been like every other one.  I get sick far too easily, probably because my body never adjusts between the warm days and freezing cold nights.  I've been waking up every morning for the past two weeks with no voice and nothing seems to make it better.  My throat hurts for most of the day.  It's been pretty miserable.

Looking back at my past years here, this has pretty much always happened, but I don't think it's ever been quite this bad.  It's frustrating as I don't particularly enjoy a sore throat.  I just want to feel better, you know?  I just want to feel normal.  Positive affirmations of my well-being haven't done anything, so I wonder if it's more than that.

I guess I'll just have to figure it out and work with it because we're not leaving Texas any time soon.  I have a life here.  We've got things we need to do before we can leave.  I'm not going to run away just because the weather doesn't really appeal to me.

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