Thursday, January 20, 2011

Taking the Next Step

Today was a good day.  I've been soda-free.  I've been eating pretty good.  I had a salad and loved it!  I've been drinking water.  I even got working with EA Sports Active.  I really needed a good workout, especially as next to no one showed at class tonight.  I was down to one student.  It was a rough night.

I'm really feeling like I'm making progress again.  This goal has been so frustrating.  It's so easy to go back to really bad habits.  I just need to keep dedicated to my path.

I need a few more weeks like this and I'll be making some serious progress.  If I can keep up my good habits, I'll be making my goals in no time.  I'm already finding that candy really doesn't taste good to me anymore.  Soda just doesn't do it for me the way it used to.  This is a good thing!  Maybe this means I'm going to be able to make my goal more easily than I thought!  It's amazing what a change of perspective can do!

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