Sunday, January 23, 2011

Total Fail...

Well, I was supposed to get some dance time in today, but it looks like that's not going to happen.  I've kind of been slacking on that whole department.  Oh well...

Today was definitely a bit of a mental health day.  I needed a day off.  I got an unhappy text from my soon to be ex, which sent my stress levels all kinds of crazy, as usual.  That definitely does not promote a happy and healthy energy.  I just needed this chance to relax.

Tomorrow I have no excuses.  I have to teach dance class.  Some time before that during the day I need to go to a friend's house to start working on a dance piece.  I'll at least get a couple of quality hours of dance in.  That's got to count for something, right?  Tomorrow will be better, if nothing else, I've got to make this promise to myself.

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