Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My Goal in 2011

Of all my blogs, I think this is the only one I'm going to write truly and 100% for me.  It's a chance for me to record my journey towards a healthier and more balanced person.  Hopefully it will also help me stay on track.

One of the things I promised myself in 2011 was to start a journal to record my own health and well-being and the changes I make in my lifestyle, diet, and home.  This blog, in particular, is going to focus on me, personally, and the journey I'm taking, from noticing trends in my diet, my problems with being underweight, and how these problems effect my mental and spiritual self.  It's hopefully going to be a marker of progress in my life as I focus on pushing towards a better life for myself, and in turn, a better life for those around me.

While I can only try to complete my goals of living allergy-free, being more active, and recognizing and moving on from the patterns that no longer serve me, I hope this record will help me stay on track.  I'll be turning thirty this calendar year, a point at which many people come to recognize the effects of the unhealthy parts of their lifestyle starting to take hold.  I want to mark this year with changes for the better, choices to counteract the things I've done in my past that might not have been the wisest.  I want to be in shape, have the energy to enjoy my time with my kids more, and to dance.  I'm tired of being the thin girl who hears several times each day how incredibly underweight she is.  I hate hearing everyone say I look like I'm too thin.  I know I am, and I know for many it comes out of jealousy.  Even so, it still bothers me.  Being under weight is can come with just as many criticisms and negative looks as being overweight, in some cases, even more so.

So this is my quest.  This is what I hope to accomplish during this calendar year.  If it goes well, I might continue it beyond that.  This might be the record of a life-changing event here!

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