Monday, January 10, 2011

Taking a Sick Day

Okay, I've been in denial for long enough.  I've got to admit it.  I'm sick.  It's not that blazing fever, in bed, can't do anything kind of sick.  It's that under-the-weather kind of feeling.  Symptoms?  Sore throat, achy head and joints, a little more sleepy than usual...

I know there's a couple of things that are leading up to me being sick.  Any time there is a major lifestyle change, you're more likely to get sick.  In my case, my lifestyle change has encompassed where I live, how I live, and my diet.  My whole lifestyle is changing, so it shouldn't be surprising that I'm getting sick.

I honestly can't complain about this one.  It could be a lot worse.  I could be sick and miserable, incapable of taking care of myself, yet still having to drag myself out of bed to deal with three kids.  In the overall spectrum of being sick, I'm really not that bad off.  I'm actually doing pretty well!

Unfortunately, I was planning to take today to start my new exercise regiment.  I need to get in shape.  It's not that I'm overweight or anything.  I'm actually under weight, but I need to find that sense of strength and stamina again.  I shouldn't be worn out after an hour of dance.  I need to get back on target here!

Well, I guess one day off isn't too bad.  I can always pick up tomorrow.  It's better to pick up when I'm feeling healthy than to try and start off when I'm not feeling well.  That's just asking not to get better, and further, it's asking to get worse.  Tomorrow's a new day.  We'll start again then.  I'll be better by tomorrow, I know it.

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