Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I Think I'm Well, I Think I'm Well

The power of thinking yourself into well being is great, in theory, but it's not so much working for me today.  There's got to be something with this wonky weather change.  It seems like everyone's getting sick with this weather, so I'm not surprised.

I've tried this "I think I am well, therefore I am well" mentality, but it doesn't so much seem to be working for me.  It's not that I doubt it works.  I just think there's a lesson to be learned in here, something I have to figure out, and being laid up for a bit might be the only way to learn it, or the only way I'll listen.  If nothing else, it's certainly been nice to lounge around all day, something I never get to do!

So much for starting off strong this week.  I guess I had some unknown need to start out slow and relaxed.  If nothing else, this whole experience has taught me that sore throats help me value tea!

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